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IAP/Belspo P7/44 project
Integrative Protein Science (iPROS)


Two of the participating partners (1 and 4) are among the founding members of the SFMBBM Doctoral School (Structure and Function of Biological Macromolecules, Bioinformatics and Modelling), which has been recognized by the FNRS in the French speaking area.
Many of the objectives of SFMBBM Doctoral School nicely coincide with those of our proposed IAP project.
The scientific justification for the creation of the School recognises the pivotal role of the study of proteins and of their interactions with other proteins or other types of molecules in the field of biology and particularly for the medical sciences and biotechnology.
Understanding the biological function of proteins requires the utilisation of ever more sophisticated methods in structural biology, biophysics, enzymology and molecular modelling. The School plans to train scientists in the various fields of protein science and molecular modelling, via both experimental and theoretical approaches.
To reach these goals, the School plans
  1. to promote doctoral formation in the strongly interconnected domains mentioned above via a wide choice of seminars, summer schools and lectures.
  2. to promote contacts between doctoral students.
  3. to supply a “reservoir” of highly regarded specialists not only for advising the students in purely experimental aspects but also for improving their communication skills (scientific presentations, paper, report and project redaction, network organisation).
  4. to give the students access to expensive and specialized equipment.
  5. to help the students to establish national and international collaborations.

At the present time, all the major themes of our IAP project can be fitted into the various domains developed by the School.

Partner 4 participates in a second doctoral School (BCMB: Biologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire).
At the Flemish FWO site, no interuniversity Doctoral school exists at this stage, but each institute has a well-developed PhD training programme with different modules that are open to the iPROS members. The partners engage themselves to take initiatives to introduce the main topics from the iPROS project in the Doctoral School specific workshops.

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